Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Stress in women

Women have more intimate networks than men do, and when they're stressed, they turn to seek out the company of the other women. In July 2000 Psychological Review, have explained why women live five years longer than men. Women are feeling more isolated, so try to fight that situation. Go for a walk, because it releases endorphins.

The basic relaxation response was first described in 1975 by Harvard Medical School researcher Herbert Benson. His approach has two steps: First, close your eyes and focus on your breath (that's the foundation). Second, choose a phrase, a word, or a prayer and repeat it to stay in the moment and be mindful.

Few things to relieve from stress

Try to indulge in the pleasure of family and friends.
Invite old pals to a women's night out.
Call your sister.
Eat moderately and keep moving.
Try to exercise regularly.
Practice mindful relaxation.

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